
Calvary Church is an independent Pentecostal Church in fellowship with the Assemblies of God, and enjoying fellowship with Chapels and Churches throughout the UK and overseas. We hold membership with the Evangelical Alliance and are part of the Pembrokeshire Fraternal of Evangelical Churches.

The Church began in September 1973, with a three week ‘evangelistic and divine healing crusade’, which was held in a hired hall known locally as the Gold Room. The hall was located at the rear of the town’s market hall in Market Street. After many decisions for Christ and some remarkable healings, a new congregation was formed. Services continued in the Gold room for two years until the opening of a new Church in Trafalgar Road, the building of which was a tremendous step of faith for the congregation and a wonderful answer to prayer.

For over forty five years Calvary Church has served as a County Church drawing its congregation from all over Pembrokeshire and beyond. It is known for its powerful preaching and teaching ministry, its vibrant and dignified New Testament worship and an atmosphere of warm friendship and Christian fellowship. The Church has many gifted musicians, singers and preachers. Our preachers minister regularly to congregations all over Pembrokeshire and beyond.

We stand on the threshold of a most exciting future as God leads us forward in a huge ‘step of faith’, to build a new place of worship. The Lord’s miraculous answers to prayer have been astounding and we look to a future filled with his grace and goodness and a work that will be to his glory, as we await the soon coming return of our Lord Jesus Christ.